Monday, 6 April 2009

Great news!

In a major breakthrough, Culture Secretary Andy Burnham has responded to public pressure and called an inquiry into Wirral Council’s decision to close 11 of its 24 libraries. This is the result of public pressure. As I was born on the Wirral, I am particularly pleased to hear this news from Alan Gibbons. So keep campaigning and come to the conference! (See previous post "Campaign for the book")

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Sunday, 5 April 2009

Alan Gummerson

I have admired Alan Gummerson's work for years and it was great to see his exhibition at Dean Clough yesterday. It included prints, drawings, paintings, ceramics, bronzes and assemblages (one of which I bought!). The exhibition is at Dean Clough (Viaduct Theatre, Crossley Gallery) Halifax, from Saturday 4th April to Sunday 10th May 2009 from 9:30am until 5:00pm.

Doggy Downloads

I love dogs but not the downloads they leave in my garden and on our little street. Please feel free to download my polite notice and display it where dog owners can see it!